Managing driver performance

As a DriverPoint® customer, you and your drivers can receive the DriverPoint Scorecard every month. This is key to managing and measuring individual and overall performance against your company goals.

With our Driver Scorecards you will be able to:

  • Measure the impact of driver behavior on fuel economy.
  • Set goals and demonstrate results.
  • Help maintain driver interest and attention with ongoing monitoring.
  • Reinforce green driving behaviors to implement significant and lasting change.
  • Determine improvements in safe driving behavior

Utilizing data collected from the DriverPoint® Telematics device, your drivers receive a DriverPoint Scorecard monitoring their progress on their rate of acceleration, over-speed events, and hard stops — all of which greatly impact their overall MPG and fuel cost.

And perhaps most importantly, drivers will receive their Total Green Rating based on their behaviors. A Peer Rating Analysis will show drivers how they compare to other drivers within your company, and give you and them the ability to compare monthly data against their year-to-date score.

Driver Scorecard

  • Overall Green Rating scores drivers on the behaviors measured with the DriverPoint Telematics device.
  • Peer Rating lets the driver know how they rank amongst their peers.
  • Detailed back-up information on the behaviors drivers exhibited.

Fleet Scorecard

  • Overall Green Rating shows average score of the entire fleet along with scores for each category.
  • Easy to read graphs and illustrations make it easy to track progress from month to month.
  • Detailed analysis provides insight into each of the five behaviors measured.

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